Employer Accreditation
From 04 July 2022, every employer assisted work visa application needs to be assisted by accredited employers only.
Employers cannot assist a work visa application of a migrant if they are not accredited under the new system. All employers who hold current accreditation, also need to apply new accreditation under new system.
Type of Accreditation under new system: -
Standard accreditation — for employers who want to have up to 5 migrant workers on AEWVs at any one time.
High-volume accreditation — for employers who want to have 6 or more migrant workers on AEWVs at any one time.
Franchisee Accreditation- for businesses which run under a master franchisee needs to be accredited on their own company name.
Labour Hire Companies- for businesses who supply labour to third parties needs to be accredited as Labour Hire Companies.
Migrants on other visa types (e.g., open work visa or working holiday visas) will not be counted towards the total.